Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Male Incompetency

I so enjoy cloudy yet warm(er) days. Yesterday was a drizzle fest and cold... yet no snow so it so wasn't worth it.

This morning as I watched television, I decided to start a list of things that I thought everyone and their mom knew, yet I find every day that my fellow dude friends are clueless. I'm not meaning to offend anyone, and (even though probably only 2 people read this), feel free to leave any habits/quirks that you can think of even if its me and I just don't know it yet. Or, if you agree/are disturbed/think I'm a sissy for listing something, let it be known. I'll keep this going for awhile each day I come up with something, but for now I leave you with three:

-Placing the toilet plunger in the shower after using it.

-Making a grilled cheese sandwich, by toasting two pieces of bread in the toaster and then sticking a piece of cheese in the middle.

-Completely ignoring the expiration date on the milk jug when purchasing. (Sometimes even I have trouble finishing a gallon in 2 days.)

And with that, I will start my work for the day. Good tidings be to all of ya'll.


  1. I like to eat entire cans of Pringles in one sitting.... I also leave my shoes everywhere for people to trip over

  2. My judgement does not fall upon you. Pringles are delicious and your shoes are excused.

  3. I like to punch people in the faces before they eat. I think it helps digestion.
