Friday, February 6, 2009

My 25 random things.

I didn't feel like tagging people so I'll post this here. I was a little bit bored, so of course I attempted the big 25. Now I really feel accomplished.

1. My childhood crush was on Maid Marian, the fox from the Disney cartoon Robin Hood. Something about those eyes…
2. I think and speak better when I’m walking. At home whenever someone calls I walk in circles around the dining room table and usually don’t notice for a few minutes.
3. I wish women gave birth to puppies instead of babies. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby as cute as a puppy, and in fact, the only cute baby I have ever seen was… me.
4. I enjoy standing on top of high(er) things. Chairs, heating radiators, stacks of pillows, naaature.
5. I have a Febreze vanilla bean air freshener in my room and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
6. For some reason I like dark, smoky atmospheres, especially during concerts.
7. I like to sleep with a teddy bear, just because I like to hold onto something when I’m trying to get to sleep. If no teddy is available I can use a small pillow, jacket, or bag of rice.
8. Unless I’m in a public restroom, I always sit down when I go potty. Call me a girl, but I’d rather relax and not have to clean up the seat and floor afterwards.
9. I still don’t have a cell phone.
10. Clowns hold a special place in my heart. I had a video on how to become a clown when I was a child and it really left a positive mark on my life. I think all clowno-chondriacs should be forced into watching it as therapy. I think it could change the world.
11. I don’t do naps. When I wake up in the morning, no matter how early, I’m up for the day and won’t sleep until night time.
12. I like to do nice things for people without telling them. The next time something nice happens to you and you don’t know who did it, just remember that.
13. I clean the toilet every time before I use it when I’m sharing it with anyone but my family.
14. I’m color blind so please don’t ask me if your clothes match.
15. My family was having a new home built and I went over to explore when they just had the frame and stairs up. I went into what would soon be my room and wondered why the workers had left a half full lemon-lime Gatorade bottle out in the open. I didn’t realize until I smelled it that it wasn’t Gatorade.
16. I really dig mechanical pencils. 0.5 lead only.
17. The book I most remember from my childhood is “Scuppers the Sailor Dog.”
18. I actually enjoy throwing up. I don’t do it often so don’t call me bulimic but when the occasion does arise I’m not disappointed.
19. I don’t like any dressing on my salads. Just give me straight veggies.
20. I use Gillette dry skin hydrator + body wash and you should too. That stuff lathers like no other.
21. When I was younger and my sister had a horse I used to play on gigantic hills of horse poop. I think one time I actually pushed Adam Covell down and he got it all up in his clothes.
22. Sometimes just hearing a word can trigger me to totally get distracted and lose myself inside my head right in the middle of a conversation. I’m so sorry to anyone that I do that to… mainly Laura… but I promise it’s not because I don’t care about what you were saying.
23. I used to want to be just like Davey Havok.
24. I think I might be starting to get tired of chocolate. Maybe not.
25. I really love my friends and family. Every one of them.


  1. Steven, I laughed at so many of these. Especially the one about pushing Adam down into horse poop. Who wouldn't?

  2. so thats why we started to watch Robin Hood on your birthday.........
